A common problem and the solution of PVC industrial conveyor belt
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A common problem and the solution of PVC industrial conveyor belt

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4. JpgPVC industrial conveyor belt in our current production are widely used in many enterprises, mainly because of the conveyor belt is relatively easy to use, and can keep the high efficiency, save a lot of manpower material resources. But under the condition of conveyor belt in use after a long time, is likely to be some problems, here small make up take you to look at together.

PVC conveyor belt common problems and solutions of industrial introduction

a, broken belt conveyor belt

conveyor belt in a long period of time after use, intensity will be worse. Or because of the bad environment, conveyor belt with water and low temperature environment, hard brittle. If the quality of joint, local cracking and failure to repair, it will greatly increased the probability of fault belt conveyor belt. Solution: select excellent mechanical and physical performance and stable material, making core. When your delivery with damaged or aging, timely replacement. The joint also require constant monitoring and timely found the problem.

2, conveyor belt running deviation,

the cause of the problem analysis and solution: frame and roller not adjusted straight. Solution: adjust the roller or rack, to keep it straight. The roll shaft line perpendicular to the center line of the conveyor belt is not. Solution: use roller level, correct the conveyor belt running deviation. Edge conveyor belt conveyor belt joint, perpendicular to the centerline is not a S type. Solution: to do the joint of the conveyor belt, guarantee joint with vertical conveyor belt center. Loading point is not in the middle of the conveyor belt ( Partial load) 。 Solution: adjust the position of mines.

3, conveyor belt skid

the cause of the problem analysis and solution: the conveyor belt load is too large, lead to lack of tension. The solution: to adjust the tension or reduce the traffic. Between driving drum and belt drench water, reduce the friction coefficient, will be tilted downward transport. Solution: avoid conveyor belt soaked in water for a long time, and increase the tension. Observation of joints often irregular, handle in time when problems found.

4, conveyor belt aging and tear

the cause of the problem analysis and solution: conveyor belt laid too short to produce the number of visits exceeds that limit, flexure cause early aging. Solution: try to avoid short laid. Conveyor belt and fixed hard objects cannot be placed together, avoid to produce. Solution: avoid conveyor belt on a fixed link, or metal structure into the conveyor belt. When the conveyor belt running deviation and frame after years of friction, cause the conveyor belt edge galling or cracking. Solution: emperor long industrial belt suggestion timely adjustment after the conveyor belt running deviation, serious when conveyor belt will avoid wandering off the roller and fall off, causing downtime. Improper safekeeping, tension is too large. Solution: according to the requirements of conveyor belt custody storage.

the above is the small make up this issue bring you PVC industrial conveyor belt common problems and solutions of introduction, believe everybody after see our article also have some knowledge of its contents, our conveyor belt at the time of use, after a long time after work, we need to pay attention to, if you have found the problem cases have to timely treatment.

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